The Light Wave Psychologists Practice - Amsterdam

My name is Dr. Sharon Galor. The Light Wave Psychologists Practice is intended for expats (18+) but naturally Dutch individuals are also welcome.

The practice is located in Amsterdam and Den Haag.
The individual psychotherapy (CBT) is given in English, Hebrew and Dutch. The first session is free and there are no waiting lists.

Sessions can be planned during and after working hours as well as on Sunday. You can start the therapy a few days after you have picked up the phone. Beside therapy, you can also approach the practice for psychological evaluation, advice and workshops. For additional information please go to my website.

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Kijkduinstraat 67/3
1055 XS Amsterdam
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Waterspiegelplein 60
1051 PC Amsterdam
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Explora Kinderen & Jeugd/volwassenen
Waterspiegelplein 60
1051 PC Amsterdam
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Maren Psychologiepraktijk Koos van
Knollendamstraat 11/13
1013 TL Amsterdam
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Amsterdam-West Psychologenpraktijk
Marieken van Nimwegenstr 11/HS
1055 BK Amsterdam
3 km
Psychologenpraktijk Amsterdam-West
Marieken van Nimwegenstr 11/HS
1055 BK Amsterdam